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Dipl.-Kaufm. Thomas Ohlenbostel, Senior Partner

F&P ExpertDipl.-Kfm. Thomas Ohlenbostel
As an internationally experienced interim manager, Thomas Ohlenbostel has been supporting leading project tasks in business development and marketing and in clinical development for twenty years, primarily for research-based companies in the healthcare and life science sectors. As an in-house consultant, he takes on consulting projects from strategic conceptualization to operational implementation.
The search for and placement of specialists and executives within the scope of these projects, but also as a separate assignment, forms a supplementary focus of his activities. In addition, Mr. Ohlenbostel is active in the academy and training sector as an international lecturer for global marketing, general management and corporate succession as well as a trainer for project and process management.
The foundation for these orientations was laid by many years of professional experience in operational and strategic marketing and business development with multinational corporations in the pharmaceutical-biotechnology industry, as well as subsequent management experience with a globally active personnel consultancy.