Find first-class experts in the automotive & supply industry sector

F&P Executive Solutions AG stands for holistic, innovative solutions.

Automotive industry

The automotive industry is rapidly changing due to new technologies and innovative disruptions. The future of mobility is strongly influenced by advances in the fields of electromobility and autonomy, which drastically affects the transportation of people and goods. As one of the most important industries in Germany, it is essential for companies in this sector to restructure their operations in order to remain competitive and benefit from new opportunities.

With the increasing focus on sustainability, the supply industry is also undergoing a similar fundamental change, which must be the focus of future strategies.

Optimization of processes, resources and workflows

At F&P, our experienced management experts can help you optimize processes, resources and operations to respond faster to changing market demands and excel in this fast-paced environment.

Case Studies

Here you will find current case studies from the Automotive & Aerospace & Rail industry.

Reorganisation and growth as interim CSO

Turnaround and sale of business unit

Our fields of application and functional areas

Business Transformation
Digital Transformation
Restructuring & Reorganization
Product & Innovation
Supply Chain
Human Resources

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we suggest matching candidates to you

Fill out project request

Tell us about your project and what kind of expert you are looking for. If your project is complex and full of facets, we are your first partner to present you well-rehearsed teams.

Be connected with the right expert

Within 48 h we will send you pre-selected profiles that match your project requirements.

Select your candidate

In a video call with your selected expert, the onboarding process starts. If you are not yet convinced by the expert, we will be happy to find the right one upon request.