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Our experts stand for holistic, practice-oriented solutions for an ERP implementation.

ERP implementation in medium-sized businesses

When medium-sized companies decide to introduce new ERP software, the reasons are often the same. They result from the realisation that the previous solution can no longer cope with the increased requirements. Before companies introduce an ERP, proper planning is most important. It is advisable to bring in an expert here to support you in ensuring a smooth process.

Reasons for ERP system implementation

  • The reporting system does not / no longer provide figures that are necessary for the
  • Necessary for corporate management
    Company expansion: new subsidiaries have to be consolidated and bring with them new requirements for an ERP system
  • Complexity of company processes increases
  • Existing ERP system is at the end of its life cycle

Procedure model for an ERP implementation

Once the decision has been made to purchase a new ERP system, a company faces a number of demanding challenges, so it is important to systematically answer the following questions:

The factors to be weighed up are, for example, business requirements arising from the business operations, the costs of acquisition and commissioning. The market penetration of the system solution must be included in the considerations for investment protection.
The associated questions relate to references with similar customers or customer environments in the SME sector, to the project and implementation methods and, last but not least, to the costs. It is often difficult to compare the offers.
There are dangers lurking here, as many providers produce favourably priced offers that transfer a number of service obligations to the customer. If these are too extensive, the risk increases that in the course of the implementation there will be additional orders which will make the project considerably more expensive. F&P do not provide any advice with regard to the legal form of implementation contracts. We are happy to put you in touch with law firms specialising in this area.

Now the foundations are laid that are necessary for a successful project. These include the most important milestones, the clear regulation of responsibilities, the provision of sufficient resources for the entire duration of the project on the part of the company. The change process, which prepares the organisation for the upcoming changes, must also be designed.

A precise definition of the deliverables or work packages has to be made as well as the definition of key figures and metrics. It should be possible to reliably reflect the respective work status of the implementation project.

In this context, it is a question of the necessary competence and anchoring of project management in the company and of risk management instruments to be defined which can be relied on in project crises.

F&P Executive Solutions AG stands for holistic, practice-oriented solutions.

Quick analysis through our F&P ERP Quick Scan

Efficient health check of your ERP project with clear recommendations for action through the Quick Scan.

Competent and experienced managers

F&P ERP experts have at least 10 years of operational experience at management level in different industries.

Team of experts

Our managers can be used for complex ERP implementations in well-coordinated partner teams.

Our fields of application and functional areas

Business Transformation
Digital Transformation
Restructuring & Reorganization
Product & Innovation
Supply Chain
Human Resources

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