Experienced interim finance managers for your company

fast, competent and tailored to your needsFlexible solutions for your financial­requirements

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    Your advantages with an interim finance manager


    Quickly ready for use to meet your requirements


    Experienced managers with extensive industry knowledge.


    No long-term commitments – pay only for the service you need.

    “I will find you the ideal interim finance manager with in-depth expertise in controlling, accounting and financial planning. F&P Executive Solutions AG stands for tailor-made, cross-industry solutions – flexible, fast and reliable.” – Michael Wessling

    Still have questions? Use our callback service.

    Arrange a callback to talk to our staff personally about the individual requirements of your project.

    Your contacts for finance and interim tax management

    Dipl.-/B.-Kfm. Michael Weßling

    Senior Partner

    01578 2412182wessling@fup-ag.com