Find world-class price management experts

Our experts stand for holistic, practice-oriented solutions along the entire value chain
Value chain.

Price management

Price management is the analysis, Planning, setting, implementing and controlling prices and conditions. The right pricing ensures corporate profitability and is therefore an essential part of the sales strategy. Next to sales volume, price is the most important profit lever and has no relation to cost-cutting measures, whether variable or fixed costs.

Professional and targeted pricing strategies with F&P Executive Solutions AG.

  • Define and implement your optimal
    pricing strategy
  • Exploit the possibilities of price differentiation
  • apply the “value-based pricing method” correctly
  • Standardising and optimising your
    conditions system
  • Seminars & workshops on pricing/price management

Our approaches to successful price management

1. Defining and implementing an optimal pricing strategy

Pricing strategies depend on the following factors:

  • Competitors’ pricing strategies
  • Customers’ price preferences
  • Unique selling points
  • Added value for specific customer groups
  • Manufacturing costs
  • Product life cycle

These factors are linked to the company’s strategic objectives, which may include increasing sales, profits, market share and liquidity/cash flow.

2. Exploit opportunities for price differentiation

The following forms of price differentiation can be used:

  • temporal
  • qualitative
  • spatially
  • customer-related

Our experts determine the customer’s real willingness to pay a price using different methods.

3. “Apply the “Value-Based Pricing Method” correctly

The value-based approach is the most effective method of pricing. Here, in contrast to the cost-based method, you also include the added value of the customer. Of course, the method that is right for you also depends on your strategy:

  • Premium Pricing
  • Skimming strategy
  • Penetration strategy

4. Standardisation and optimisation of your condition system

Often there are different conditions and framework agreements that are detrimental to profitability. Together with you, we analyse the optimisation possibilities in your condition system and show the effects on your margin and profitability.
We prepare the price and condition negotiations with you and accompany you in the implementation.

Our fields of application and functional areas

Business Transformation
Digital Transformation
Restructuring & Reorganization
Product & Innovation
Supply Chain
Human Resources

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In a video call with your selected expert, the onboarding process starts. If you are not yet convinced by the expert, we will be happy to find the right one upon request.

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